Tuesday, May 29, 2012

FRC Series 4: The Obsession With Gay Sex

We're almost done with this video, I promise. 

But I hope that by reading through this documentary's claims piece by piece, and being presented the truth regarding their statements, you can see how ridiculous and how damaging this group - and others like it - are in the world. And I further hope that you can spread the word regarding our findings, so that this farce of an organization can be ignored by the public at large, and their horrible abuse of the homosexual community can come to an end. After all, if there is no one to listen, there is no reason for them to exist.


This installment focuses on the FRC's obsession - and honestly the religious right's obsession - with homosexual sex. 

Why they continually focus on the sexual aspect of the LGBT community has always been confounding to me. No group goes around discussing how unsanitary heterosexual acts are - when they are, in fact, no different than homosexual acts. The only difference is the gender of the people involved. 

Think about that for a minute. (And this is likely to get graphic, so if you're easily offended you might want to jump ship now.)

Many proponents of the anti-gay movement focus in on how unsanitary and unnatural and unhealthy anal sex or oral sex is - how unsanitary, unnatural, and unhealthy it is to deposit sperm into a mouth or anus. They create pamphlets, comics, and books on this, and claim this is one of the reasons the gay population is spreading disease to everyone else. You can see examples of this here and here. (Warning: Strong language and rampant sarcasm in the first example, and graphic detailing of sexual acts in the second.)

What is most irritating about this is two-fold. 

First, that they focus solely on the sexual acts of homosexuals. We are no more defined by our sexual acts than heterosexuals are by theirs. We have relationships, commitments, children, grocery shopping, church on Sunday, soccer games, etc. 

Just. Like. Everyone. Else. 

Yes, we have sex. Yes, it is wonderful. But it is not the sum total of our relationships. It is simply the connective component found in ALL romantic relationships. Not just ours.

And secondly, the way they describe (usually in graphic detail) the sexual acts between homosexual partners and try to make it "so disgusting!" is comical when you really think about it. Because heterosexual couples do all the same things we do. 

Read that again. 

Heterosexual and homosexual couples participate in the same sexual activities. The only difference, as I said before, is the gender of the participants.

They go on and on about anal sex. Oral sex. The insertion of various body parts into other various body parts. Sadomasochistic activities. Casual hookups. 

Well, news flash:  We don't hold the monopoly on those practices. Shocking, isn't it?

And yet somehow, because there are two people of the same gender involved, the practice suddenly becomes 'disgusting' and 'harmful' and 'disease spreading'. How is it that the nation at large has not caught on to this? Is it because many hetero couples do not disclose what happens in their own bedrooms? Is it because they are ashamed of what they enjoy, and so they seek to employ transference of that guilt onto the LGBT community?

I don't know. And honestly, I don't care about the 'why'. I just want to get the education out there and stop the ignorance, which is why I set about writing this series in the first place. So let's get back to that, shall we?

I covered all but one of the 'ex-gays' involved in this video. This last one that I want to address is Joanne Highley. 

When we first see this woman in the documentary, she looks like a normal, everyday grandmother. But underneath that come-in-I'll-make-you-cookies exterior lies a whole mess of crazy.

Joanne and her husband Ron are the founders of LIFE - Living In Freedom Eternally. She claims to have counseled over 1500 people with 'unwanted same-sex attraction' in her 33 years of 'practice'. When faced with the findings that reparative/conversion therapy is not effective, she retorts, "They can say whatever they want...I see it. It's real."

Let's get the backstory on Joanne first, before we delve into the realm of complete insanity.

Joanne admits she "had problems with lesbianism" for 10 years. Apparently at the age of 13, she was fervent about showing signs of leadership in her school and had become the first female president of the student council. Then - as Joanne tells it - there was a girl that came to "admire and worship her" over time. They became study buddies, and one day during study time the girl kissed Joanne. 

Now of course, at this juncture Joanne makes a point to stop and say she "knew it was wrong", and that it was "repulsive at first". But she follows with how it "ignited feelings of desire", which she quickly qualifies as the desire "to get out from underneath her mother's control". The statement seems a bit non sequitur given the subject matter, but I will explain.

Briefly (if you want the whole kit and caboodle, watch the video), at around the age of four, Joanne's father died and her mother subsequently had to go to work. Her mother refused to sleep alone, so she made Joanne sleep with her, and as she grew, anything 'manly' that needed doing around the house was left to Joanne. In her words, this caused her to become her "mother's emotional mate", and made her feel masculine and strong. Apparently by the time she met this 'tomboyish' girl at the age of 13, she was tired of being her mother's protector and helpmate, so she saw this girl as a way out of that. During the time of WWII.

I know. It makes no sense to me, either. But it just gets nuttier from here, I assure you.

Joanne says she kept going back to this girl even though she knew it was wrong, because she felt compassion for her. One evening during a sleepover, the two became sexually active. It continued, Joanne tells us, because of the "addictive nature" of homosexuality. It must have been really addictive for her, because the two stayed together until Joanne was 23, and had even pledged themselves to each other at 16 in a 'marriage' ceremony. She later claims that after every time they were intimate they would both say "this is wrong", but they would always go back for more.

Eventually they decided to attend different Bible colleges, and Joanne began to date boys. Her partner (wife, girlfriend, whatever) wrote to tell Joanne that she had found another woman, which resulted in Joanne weeping for a week and feeling like she was "dying". 

Then came the big epiphany for her that she was free of this 'addiction', and she never looked back. Joanne realized that the reason she had been attracted to this girl was because she had told her all the things she wanted to hear (not, you know, because she loved her or enjoyed their physical relationship or anything), and then spends a lot of time convincing us that she never had another lesbian thought, how she's crazy about her husband, and about how gorgeous he is with his beautiful muscles. 

Huuurrrk. Moving on...

So now Joanne and her husband with the beautiful muscles run the LIFE Ministry, as I said above. What is unique about these two is that they banish demons. Gay demons. Demons of "lust and lasciviousness". Because everyone knows heterosexuals never participate in either of those. 

Speaking of things that are gay-specific, the places from which Joanne has banished these demons by cleansing with the blood of Jesus and casting out their demonic powers is as follows: uteruses, genitals, "and of course" anal canals, intestines, and throats and mouths if there's been an "ungodly deposit of semen". 

I wish I were kidding, but I am not. Here is the link to her video from 1993 in which she makes these horribly specific claims. And it is terribly obvious from listening to her now on this documentary that she has not moved any closer to sane with age.

In fact, she tells us that "sex, according to God, is becoming one flesh. If you become one flesh, the sex organs of same-sex couples cannot become one flesh. There's no way."

Hmm...I must be doing it wrong, then.

This is what we're up against, people. Groups and individuals that target the 'evil homosexual practices' of our community. And not one of them - not one of them - acknowledges that hetero couples do the same things. Not to mention the fact that a large majority of our LGBT community doesn't participate in half these things anyway. 

In another fun example of crazy, pastor Patrick Wooden (who was one of the forerunners in the campaign in NC to get the most recent amendment passed outlawing civil unions) goes into excruciatingly minute detail of anal sex while on Peter LeBarbara's radio show. You might have already heard of it, as it is clip that has been widely circulated. He claims he has personally known a man who knew a man who died in diapers because of his wicked lifestyle, and has heard accounts from hospitals stating cell phones (that went off during surgery) and baseball bats had to be removed from homosexual male's rectums. He has spoken so often about this that he has been termed the "anal-obsessed" pastor. 

I think he and Joanne should go bowling sometime.

He also longs for the days when violence against the LGBT community was acceptable and right, believes Tyler Perry's character Medea promotes perversion, and gives advice to a mother with a transgender child to "whoop his ass". You can listen to all the drivel here - it connects you to an entire page of his disgusting diatribe.

Oh, and by the way - he's one of the FRC's top mouthpieces. Funny, that.

Are you seeing the pattern? Are you getting the message? These people who are out to destroy that which they do not understand simply on the basis that they do not understand it are the definition of danger. 

This kind of perversion of truth is why children are dying. This is why innocent babies of 13 and 14 think that blowing their brains out is the best answer to what 'ails' them.

Let me repeat what I have already said numerous times - the sex acts perpetrated by the gay community are the same sex acts perpetrated by the straight community. 

These things for which the anti-gay establishment is calling for judgment against us are the same things they do behind closed doors. The same things that straight couples enjoy in the privacy of their bedrooms and their legal marriages the world over. And yes, I know not all couples choose these types of things in their sexual relationships. But that's the key here - "not all couples" means all couples. LGBT included.

Sex is a personal thing. It is a precious, spiritual, connective act that allows individuals to physically share the most vulnerable gift they have. Do some LGBT individuals trivialize it and abuse the act? Absolutely. But so do many more straight people, and no one is putting their rights up for a vote.

To have our experiences debased like this by people who do the same things behind their own closed doors, and made out to be the sum total of any homosexual relationship makes me ill. 

You don't want to have gay sex? Don't. But remember the next time you put your this into her that or vice versa, there are millions of LGBT couples on every continent connecting with their partners the exact same way. 

So tell me again...who is the disgusting one?

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