Friday, May 18, 2012

Overview: The Problem With "The Problem With Same-Sex 'Marriage'"

Following one of my frequent internet tangents, I somehow ended up on the Family Research Council's website. If you are not familiar with this illustrious organization, I'll give you a quick overview: They Do Not Like The Gays

See? I told you it would be quick.

The FRC is one of the leading anti-gay groups in our country right now, and has been (aptly) labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC determined the FRC's actions to be so venomous that they found it necessary to classify them in the same category as the KKK. Just so you know what we're dealing with here.

So naturally after Obama's very public display in favor of marriage equality, the FRC began frothing at their collective mouth. This ignited a flurry of action, including making the full content of their documentary, "The Problem With Same-Sex Marriage" available on their blog for free, whereas before you had to actually pay and order a copy. Perhaps sales didn't pan out the way they'd hoped. 

Click here if you want to watch it for yourself. I'm going to go over every tiny little thing in it, but I understand if you prefer the full dramatic effect of the video.

In any case, the documentary is there, and is now viewable for all who wish to sit through 30 minutes of complete and utter nonsense. (Warning: May induce cursing, swearing, throwing of objects, accidentally putting fist through computer screen, hysterical laughter, and hives.) 

Okay, so I was kidding about the hives thing. Sort of.

This video honestly made me feel as if I were watching some SNL skit. I kept anticipating the Energizer bunny would walk across the screen at any moment. But sadly, every piece of this thing is for real, and I honestly think every person in it actually believes the insanity they are spewing. I could almost have dismissed it like I do so much other anti-gay rhetoric, but for one thing - now they're talking about my children, and the children of people I love (gay and straight). And that was just a step too far for this mama.

I decided they need to be called out on their supposed 'facts' and supposed 'experts', and since I am a writer, a mother, a lesbian, and I do so adore a good debate, I figured I was just the gal to do it. However, the more notes I took and the more backstory research I did, the further this thing expanded. I had hit upon the anti-gay equivalent of a "grow your own" sponge monster pill. Drop this video in warm water and watch it grow to 67% of it's original size!

The only way I'm going to get through this with any hope of having people actually want to read about it is to do it in installments. I will provide the quickie points below, and then each blog will tackle as many as I can safely fit in without causing narcolepsy and/or excessive drooling. I am so lit up about this thing, though, that it's very possible I may publish more than one blog a day. (But wait! If you order now, we'll send you TWO blogs for the price of ONE! Just pay additional processing to the Bean's carpal tunnel fund.) 

So here we go. Hop in, hold on; grab a drink, popcorn, whiskey, whatever you think you might need to survive this. 

'Cuz baby, we're going for a ride.

Major Talking Points of TPWSSM:
  • Since marriage equality was instated in Massachusetts, it has been "forced upon" the citizens of the state by "indoctrinating" their children, teaching them in school that (gasp!) a gay family is just as viable and valuable as a straight family
  • Massachusetts education administration has ripped away the parent's rights to protect their children from exposure to gay families, even going so far as arresting a father while he was trying to petition for an opt-out clause for his son
  • Examples of how children are affected
  • A book is shown that is given to high-school age kids who want it, paid for with public monies, demonstrating safe (gay male) sex techniques and telling them where they can meet with other gay kids
  • The "Holy Grail" of the legalization of SSM is the legislation being able to tell parents, "Same-sex marriage is legal, therefore you can't stop us from talking about it."
  • Repudiation of the charge that there is no real difference between having homo- and heterosexual parents, introduces unnamed and uncredited study involving 262 children
  • Discussion of how damaged children of gay and lesbian parents are compared to heterosexual parents
  • Description of how the pro-equality movement is attempting to take away society's 1st Amendment rights
  • Presentation of several "ex-gay" individuals who now counsel other individuals who want to escape the bonds of "same-sex attraction"
  • Explains how the movement to have hate speech laws enacted has taken away the rights of those who want to be free of "same-sex attraction" to seek help for their "affliction"
  • Gives example of how one young lady in Michigan was prevented from getting the full spectrum of her graduate program education
  • Claims religious freedom and same-sex marriage cannot co-exist
  • Shows how allowing SSM "reinforces false assumptions" that gays cannot be cured
  • Makes claims that there are no studies and no research that shows it is harmful to participate in reparative therapy
  • Explains how those that believe they are "born this way" are wrong, and claims that has not been the conclusion of researchers
  • One of their "experts", an "ex-gay" counselor explains in one of her older videos (for which I will include the link once I get to this section) how same-sex attraction results from demon possession, and how she has cast and bound hundreds of demons from places (such as a uterus) with the blood of Christ
  • Claims it is harmful for therapists to affirm a gay identity instead of helping them rid themselves of it
  • Asserts that "same-sex marriage" is a contradiction in terms, because there is no such thing in the Judeo-Christian belief system
  • Claims that any form of sexual expression apart from a monogamous, heterosexual marital union falls short of the Creator's intentions, and therefore is regarded as both sinful and unhealthy
  • Discusses how "becoming one flesh", as it says in the Bible, is impossible because the sex organs of same-sex couples cannot accomplish that
  • References how marriage is/was created for procreation
  • Sums up how same-sex marriage is ripping apart the foundations of society, bizarrely connecting it to divorce and single parenting
  • Explains what we can all do to stop the rampant fervor of the marriage equality movement
As you can see...I have my work cut out for me. And now you understand why one blog can only hold two points at most. This will likely turn out to be a very long and laborious undertaking. But if it changes the mind and heart of just one person, or gives hope to just one struggling teenager, then anything I have to do to get this written has been worth it.

Stay with me, check back often. Follow this blog if you want...that way you can keep up with the updates.

And please - do tell me your thoughts and feelings on each topic as we go over them together. I want this to foster discussion - either here with me and each other, or out in the world utilizing a talking point to change someone's life. Share the link. The page is public. Email it out to as many people as you want. I invite open and honest discussion, because that is where the hearts are changed, and that is where the eyes are opened.

All comments are welcome, even those that don't agree with me or think I'm just some hairy feminist dyke. You see, even though I am a heathen gay who is totally screwing up her kids (both of whom apparently run a high risk of turning out gay - who knew?), I have manners. And I believe in my message 170%, which means you are not going to sway me off my course. 

Of course, I make no such promises in regard to your course. After all, that's what I'm here for.


  1. I think my head just exploded. I have not seen the video yet, but am not sure I want to, as i cannot afford to replace my laptop if it were to go flying across the room...

    I must say that they obviously have many flaws in their thought process but the one point "Claims that any form of sexual expression apart from a monogamous, heterosexual marital union falls short of the Creator's intentions, and therefore is regarded as both sinful and unhealthy" makes me want to rip someone a new one on SO many levels. REALLY?? they are SERIOUS??? ... but cheating, abuse, divorce, and kinky sex between couples doesn't count as sins against "the Creator's intentions" don't count?? The other "points" make my head hurt, too... and I would not know where to start. I commend you on your undertaking and support you 110%.

    Love you Honey!!! - SB

  2. Aw, I love you too! And yes, the double standards and hypocrisy is so incredible it would be humorous if only it weren't so sad. I plan on attacking some of the more prominent voices in this regard in a later post, and showing just how ridiculous their claims are.

    Sorry to make your head hurt, but happy to educate as always. Much love!
